20 minutes

Garlicky Red Pepper Capellini


  • Abbio Stock Pot
  • Abbio Sauté Pan
  • Chefs Knife 
  • Cutting Board 
  • Tongs 


    • Mince five cloves of garlic 
    • Boil a stockpot filled with well salted water


    1. Add full box of pasta to well salted, boiling water
    2. As the pasta cooks, start a pan on medium, add about 4 tbsp of olive oil & 5 cloves of minced garlic with a large pinch of red chili flakes & continuously stir as to create a spicy garlic flavor in the oil, without overcooking the garlic. 
    3. As soon as the pasta is done, put a tablespoon of pasta water to garlic oil mix. 
    4. When the pasta is cooked, add pasta straight to the oil & garlic, & stir frequently. 
    5. Add 2 tbsp of Parmesan cheese OR nutritional yeast, 1 tsp of black pepper, & about a tsp of salt, but salt to taste. 
    6. Cook on high for 1 minutes to incorporate flavor, plate, serve, & eat up all the God sent goodness.
    7. Bless!